Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Five Reasons Why You Should Bet Big on Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is gaining strong foothold. Thanks to smartphones, mobile digital equipment, easy and fast internet services. Every business and individual who want to outshine and leap forward their competition is taking up the digital route. I am listing Five Strong reasons for you to consider and bet big on digital marketing.

1.    Every bit of digital marketing is measurable. If you can measure you will easily be able to eliminate the waste. You will be able to reduce investment on less productive steps. Invest more on highly productive steps. Since it is measurable, you could optimize your marketing campaigns for every season and reason. There are two things that have gained immense value in the recent past. One is automation and another is measurement. Many companies and individuals do not want to do anything that cannot be automated or measured. I personally feel that out of all types of marketing, digital marketing is the only thing that is highly measurable.

2.    If your business is not focusing on digital marketing, then chances are that your existing customers are being attracted and educated online by your competitors, soon you might find your customers shopping with your competitors. Attracting strangers and turning them into visitors, leads and customers is mostly done via education. Web is the most cost effective way of delivering the content/education to strangers.

3.    Digital Marketing is leveling the play. Everyone has got equal access to the best quality tools to spread the word, be it a individual, or a startup, SMB or a MNC. Digital Marketing and Cloud Computing have democratized the technology. Everyone has got access to same tools and technology at an affordable price. If you want to take on the biggies in your industry, craft a digital marketing strategy. Sooner than expected you will see the results. Notionally your peers in the industry, suppliers, vendors, employees and customers will start seeing you as one of the biggies in your industry. This acknowledgement is a big psychological boost. This boost is big enough to keep you driving until you get there! Among the ranks and files of industry leaders in your specific domain.

4.    Digital Marketing is interactive, where as Traditional marketing is more of a one way system. In most cases you don’t get feedback in traditional marketing, in case if you get the feedback it would be too late, and you would have already spent a lot of money in the wrong direction. Since digital Marketing is interactive, customers provide feedback instantly. This frequent feedback will help you course correct and stay relevant to your customer’s needs and preferences. Human beings learn from the people they spend most of their time with. Sellers learn more from their customers rather than their trainers. As a marketer you will also learn more from your customers than anybody else. This is the reason you should give your customers an opportunity to voice their feelings. There is nothing that matches digital marketing in terms of acquiring customer feedback. If you are not doing digital marketing you are actually missing out on a lot of learning. This learning sometime is so useful that it can give you a pretty strong start in your next phase of growth plan. 

5.    Digital marketing brings you tons of social proof. A specific education material or post is shared by several people. This social share adds trust and authority to your Brand. Achieving a similar SOCIAL PROOF in Traditional marketing is difficult, expensive and also pretty slow and generally late. Imagine the respect you command when a thousand people share your content or post. None in this world would dare to distrust you or question your integrity or authority (expertise). Achieving this kind of eminence via traditional marketing is going to cost you too much and in most cases many businesses give up on this aspiration. They just get back to normal drifting mode.

If you would like to get started with digital marketing for your business please fill in this Google form, we will connect with you soon, to see and understand how we could help you. http://goo.gl/forms/Hz2GQ9cbnv
We want to help everyone who wants to gain social/digital eminence for the skills and capabilities they have. So please feel free to connect with us by filling up the google form.