Friday, 25 December 2015

10 Reasons why startups and business owners should read “Rework”

1. "If given a choice between investing in someone who has read REWORK or has an MBA, I'm investing in REWORK every time.  This is a must read for every entrepreneur."
--Mark Cuban, co-founder of HDNet and and owner of the Dallas Mavericks

2. The book makes a great case against all the elements of doing business (planning, raising capital, meeting, communication, workplace, organizing, etc.)

3. The book offer some good idea when it comes to marketing and hiring and more importantly it offers you a chance to break out of business traditions that has been built over decades

4. Rework shows you a better, faster, easier way to succeed in business. Read it and you'll know why plans are actually harmful, why you don't need outside investors, and why you're better off ignoring the competition.

5. "Inspirational...REWORK is a minimalist manifesto that's profoundly practical. In a world where we all keep getting asked to do more with less, the authors show us how to do less and create more."
--Scott Rosenberg, Co-Founder of

6. This book is a great read and has concepts that will stick for lifetime. The book does not promise to be revolutionary and isn't filled with magic bullets. Instead, what you get is crisp advice in bits and pieces that you can read anywhere, anytime!

7. I think you either love or hate the format of the book, but I personally thought it was great. This is such a breath of fresh air, "here's a concept. Here's why it works. Here's a quick analogy. Done." Awesome.

8. There is no better source of knowledge than that which is proven in practice. This book and its authoring company refreshingly show what happens when common-sense, confidence, and diligence rule a business. No tricks, perceptive deception, are advocated. It's a great reminder that honesty and self-accountability can take us much further.

9. “The wisdom in these pages is edgy yet simple, straightforward, and proven. Read this book multiple times to help give you the courage you need to get out there and make something great.”
-Tony Hsieh, CEO, of

10. You can read it in a two-hour flight. It's a quick read.
Really good and insightful. It's broken into chapters, each chapter has many tips. Each tip has a one page sketch for the tip which makes it super fun to read.